String Manipulation?

I engaged with a real jack a-s the other day on Twitter. 

But of most relevance is the fact that my final reply on the string has been hidden from public view?

Exactly who has the power and interest to hide my final reply and why would they have done so?  

Happy Holidays to the Kennedy Family Member from Maine (or so it seems today) who told me to eat a "bag of dicks".    

He presents himself as if he may be related to the Kennedy Family.  

He presents himself as if he's living in or related to ths state of Maine.

 He presents strong ties to the UK and the arts.  

Is there anything else in there that catches your eye?

Does he provide any insight in his profile to that type of interest too?

I'm only interested in one thing now,  and that is his name....

Who / what is DFAS?  Why was it setup in the early 1990s by Dick Cheney?

We've had retirees for decades, and they were getting checks somehow before Cheney set up that payment system?. 

Do you feel his thanks for my contribution to it was sincere or a bit of a slight, especially given the rest of his commentary?

From a loving Military Retiree, Retired Cop and self proclaimed double dipper who called one of the people who contributes to his paycheck a "douche", he couldn't stop there... 

He had to indulge himself a bit more with, 

"Eat a bag of dicks, clown"

What caused the douchbag calling dick bag eating suggestor to change course?

Now he seems to "care" about my well being and those around me paying for his retirment?

And this is where we have a pretty big problem...

It seems someone decided to ghost my final response....If you read this thread, you'd think this is where it ended.

You'd have no idea what the final punch looked like...

I had to go back through my "tweets and replies to see if my final response was even there" or if I had just dreamt it.  Sure enough, it was there.... 

Who is/was Shelley Kelly's Chees and Jellies?

Are the clues he might give be relevant?

Maine - as in the state of Maine?

Oxford Comma - just a preference or a hat tip to an alma matter?

Pizza Advocate - This day in age, that can carry more meaning than dough and sauce, but lets put that on hold for a moment...

The Kennedys'?  - Aunti Jackie's Sister's brother's boy...

He seems to be an admirer of the National Theatre...

I wonder if all their patrons are so outwardly Patriotic and just and inwardly bankrupt?

Who does/did he follow?

There is definently a UK, Maine, Boston and Welsh interest. He likes to follow Ukranian Politicians and leaders. he likes to follow Retired Military Leaders and Generals.  He really likes the left wing media commentators and shows.  

I wonder if they know his penitent for telling others to eat dick bags too?

The screen shots below started out random. I was just grabbing some and scrolling. I was interested in learning who he was attracted to. About half way through I started looking and grabbing , once I noted the Moon Ceremony Leader.  I then started noticing a lot more political leaders and military leaders but nothing most left leaning military folks might not also "enjoy".  

Then I got the the very bottom and wasn't expecting anything odd, until I looked at the very last person who was following. That would have been the very first person he followed. That may have been why he created a twitter account to start with.   It's the only reference to Pizza I found. It's also the only reference I saw to "after hours streams" or "adult man playing games on the computer".  

It's a bit out of character from the rest, although some higher up have been rumored to have similar private interests (in pizza) too. 

Who followed him?

His followers share some common themes...

Almost all are anti trump.  Many declare blue wave support.   Quite a few atheists.  Quite a few teachers. A few seemingly famous people in psudo disguise.  Some UK contacts with some follwoers in Finance/Banking.   And a follower from Maine running for Congress.  The military related follers seem to tend to Air Force.

Kennedy Family Tree...

Target:  Aunt Jackie's Sisters Brothers Boy...

3 Sisters

Why wasn't her younger sister, Caroline Lee mentioned?

Ah.  Maybe that's Lee Radziwell...

Jackie's parents divorced in 1936.  Dad was alcoholic and adulterer.  

Jackie's mom remarried Hugh, Dudley Auchincloss Jr.  Heir of Standard Oil  (his dad married daughter of John D. Rockefellers founding partner of Standard Oil).  See article below.

Upon marriage, Jackie and Lee became siblings with Hugh "Yusha" Auchincloss, Thomas Gore Auchincloss and Nina Gore Auchincloss. After marriage, Janet jennings Auchencloss and James Lee Auchincloss came to be. 

REF:  Auchencloss ties to rockefeller as follows:  Hugh Auchencloss Sr married the daughter of Oliver ( Burr ) Jennings, co-founder of Standard Oil with John D. Rockefeller (her name was Emma Brewster Jennings). 

It seems Mr. Dick Bag eater and Pizza affectionado is the  son of James Lee Auchincloss, Hugh Dudly Auchincloss, or Thomas Gore Auchincloss. 

James Lee prior tree -

James Lee Auchincloss - Brother to Jackie and Possible father of "Bag of Dicks" man...

James Lee Auchincloss seems to like to profit on writing about his half sister and their family.  He might or might not do it because he was shunned from the family due to being branded a "kiddie porn pervert".

Why does Getty Images want $499 for his image?

In 2010, James "Jamie" Achencloss was 69 and consuming kiddie porn.  That would make him 83 now. His son, if he has a son, would be double dipping age.  Can we put any names on his kids?

Let's see...

James Lee Auchincloss appears to have had no kids. 

Thomas Gore Auchincloss also appears to have had no kids...

Hugh Dudley "Yusha" Auchincloss III  - Brother to Jackie and Possible father of "Bag of Dicks" man...

Hugh Dudley "Yusha" Achincloss III had two kids. 

Cecil Lyon Auchincloss and Maya Lillalya Auchincloss born the same year?  

Fraternal twins or just tight timing?

Maya is typically a female name, so I focused on Cecil and thought I had this solved, until I found this...

Then I read the footer and confirmed Maya was female, so Cecil it is...

Cecil Lyon Auchincloss 

This is a fully free site on the internet. One of several that get no proper promotion. 

I type in a name with or without city and I get to look at matches...

This sure looks like a match. 

Seems Boston and Rhode Island are residences.  Maine is likely just a holiday spot, or so it seems from this...


Auchincloss Family - Descendants of Aaorn Burr (Traitor) and related to Gore Vidal?

A bi-sexual who was cousins to Kennedy was seeking a seat in the NY House of Representatives as a Democrat in 1960.  Did everyone know back then his relationship to John and Robert Kennedy?  Neverminded all their ties to Rockefeller Oil money...

Talk about mixing Hollywood with Big Oil and Politicsand the Military... 

this was a smorgasboard...

Finally, something I can agree with Bag of Dicks family on...

No way Bush family pulled that off themselves. 

A family like Auchincloss though,; now there's a family with all the connections to have contributed to that in quite a grand way...

Here's to olde times coming round again....